The Red Thread

Once our eyes have been opened we can't pretend that
we don't know what to do; for God who weighs our hearts and keeps our souls
knows that we know and holds us responsible to act. Proverbs

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Medical Updates for the Two Little Ones

First the great news.  Iris had her follow up with the doctor yesterday and he told Melissa Iris has far exceeded his expectations.  She is doing great and he is amazed with her progress.  Iris will not have to wear a patch anymore (for now).  Her vision is 20/200 and the doctor said 20/400 was typically what they see with kids who were late having their cataracts removed.  He also said he anticipates her improving more with this last surgery.  Awesome!

Another note on Iris.  She loves to pray at dinner time and it is so sweet.  She prays for her family, our home, Owen's health, and whatever else is on her mind.  Precious!

Owen went in this morning to have his esophagus stretched.  They will not patch today but only stretch.  Owen is doing so well beside the medial issues.  He has been eating regular food the last few weeks and has not had any problems.  And he loves it!  Anxious to ear what the doctor has to say after today's procedure.

Owen's 1st Trip to the Swimming Pool, He Loves the Water!

Elliot in a hot, long line to get into LegoLand.


  1. Glad to hear that Iris is doing well after surgery and that Owen is doing better with eating! Sophie is having eye surgery on Friday morning for congenital entropion - we're praying that goes well and doesn't alter her appearance. We'll see. Keep updating. I love hearing how your kids are doing!

  2. How great to hear that Iris has surpassed the doctor's expectations!

    I do hope and pray that Owen's esophagus heals.

  3. Thank you Lord Iris is doing well.
