The Red Thread

Once our eyes have been opened we can't pretend that
we don't know what to do; for God who weighs our hearts and keeps our souls
knows that we know and holds us responsible to act. Proverbs

Monday, January 16, 2012

Out of Surgery - Pray for Healing

Owen is now out of surgery and is back in his room.  He is not comfortable and is letting us know it!  The surgeon told us the procedure went well and he was able to place the plug as needed.  He indicated the opening was accessible which made the placement easy.  The hope now is that his little body will start "scarring" and healing itself.  Pray! Pray! Pray! 

The surgeon informed us that now we wait three weeks and he will look at Owen and see how it looks.  The feeding tube will stay in for this period as it is currently placed (actually goes past his stomach and into his intestine).  If all looks good in three weeks the tube may be moved out into his stomach for a few more weeks.

At the three week check if it looks like it is not healing as expected we will re-admit Owen and start this process over.............  Hopefully not!

We now pray and wait.  Hopefully we are going to take him home tomorrow.  


  1. Melissa,
    I am so happy that Owen made it through surgery (and you too). The first surgery was the hardest on me! I have been praying and thinking of you all day. I was waiting for an update. I have been checking your blog all day! I will pray for Owen to heal quickly and for him to begin to feel better. Remember you can always ask for more pain medicine if Owen is still uncomfortable. The doctors always told me that if any of our children were uncomfortable that they would give them more pain medicine. I was also told that I knew if and when the pain medication needed to be given.
    Thinking of you!!!

  2. Oh Melissa,
    I hadn't checked your blog for a week or so and I had no idea what all was going on! We are praying for Owen and that he finds rest in your arms as his little body heals. Also praying for you as you must be exhausted from remaining by his side 24/7 and not getting any rest. I have been there and know how hard that is on a body. Give Owen a kiss from us! We miss you guys terribly.
