The Red Thread

Once our eyes have been opened we can't pretend that
we don't know what to do; for God who weighs our hearts and keeps our souls
knows that we know and holds us responsible to act. Proverbs

Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Door Is Not Shut

Black Friday turned out to be a GREAT day. We had a great Thanskgiving with family and friends. There were many questions about the adoption and losing our paper work in the mail. We had received many of the needed documents and sent some documents to Kansas and were going to delivery the documents to Misssouri on Monday.

On Friday afternoon we decided to go to Target to look for a new TV. As we retruned home and pulled into the driveway Melissa asked, "what's that in the mailbox?" There was a large package sticking out of the box. I immediately recognized the package and said that's it. Melissa jumped out of the car before we even pulled into the garage.

What a glorious day! It is now Sunday night and we will be sending our dossier tomorrow morning.

Our only worry now is how to pay for the adoption. We have been awarded a matching grant from Hand In Hand and have sent out about 45 letters to family and friends to try and get donations. The deadline is December 7 (one week from tomorrow). Hopefully things will pick up this last week.

Our prayers continue and we hope our daughter is being taken care of. As a family we are also trying to prepare ourselves for a daughter and sister who may be visually impaired. Each day I find myself thinking of something new that I had not thought of before.

God's Peace.

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