The Red Thread

Once our eyes have been opened we can't pretend that
we don't know what to do; for God who weighs our hearts and keeps our souls
knows that we know and holds us responsible to act. Proverbs

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Waiting Is The Hardest Part

It is now thirteen days before Christmas and how we wish Iris was home with us. Our dossier will be sent to China on Monday (hopefully) and the waiting continues.

This week was our final week for raising money through Hand in Hand Christian Adoption. We have been so blessed with family and friends and raised enough to cover our match plus some. I would like to let everyone know how awesome Hand in Hand Christian Adoption is. They have been so easy to work with and are very giving. I pray that God continues to bless them and the families who fund their mission.

Thanks to everyone who donated to our journey and wanting to be part of our adoption.

This week we arranged to have some Christmas presents sent to Iris. She will be getting a blanket, doll, pajamas, jeans, hair accessories, and a letter. We are also preparing a video to send to her introducing her new family to her. This will allow her to hear our voices and hopefully know that she is loved.

Today we recieved a box of books we ordered for Iris. The books are braille and also have lots of colors and textures. We will take these books with us to China so Iris will have things to do while we are on the long trip home. My wife is so much more organized and prepared than I am and I am so grateful for her!

We also purchased a book on China so we can learn more about the country, it's history, and culture.

We are so excited and can not wait to go get her!

1 comment:

  1. Joel and Melissa

    God bless you for all that you are doing. I'm so excited for you to get your little girl. Believe me, I know what it is like to wait for your children. We had to wait 3 different times and still see our children have visitations with the bio-parents. God had a plan for us and these boys were destined to be ours from the day He made them.

    Be patient, it will all happen in God's time. I'm excited to read about your journey through your blog. I wish you would put this on Facebook, it really is a great place to connect with old friends.

    You all have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I can't wait to see pictures of little Miss Iris Chambers!

    Amy Martin
