The Red Thread

Once our eyes have been opened we can't pretend that
we don't know what to do; for God who weighs our hearts and keeps our souls
knows that we know and holds us responsible to act. Proverbs

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Owen Is Back Home

Owen returned home from the hospital and seems to be improving.  Once his fever was back to normal for 24 hours they let him come home.  At times he still sounds terrible with his breathing.  His is taking an antibiotic for the pneumonia and will be on that for 10 days.  He is scheduled to have his esophagus checked on Thursday to see if the hole is closed (pray for good news).

This little man is very tough and seems to bounce back with each challenge.  This morning he has been playing with the kids and acts like nothing is wrong.  I think being home and having his brothers and sisters to play with really helps.  He gets so excited when he sees them.

We will keep updating as we learn more.


  1. Glad to hear that Owen is back home. Phew. He's been through so much.

  2. ALL the love he gets from you 5 gives him reason to fight the challenges. What a special, precious, little blessing he is for all of us.

  3. I am so glad Owen is home and hopefully his appointment tomorrow will give you good news regarding his healing! I tried to post over the weekend, but it wouldn't let me! I have been thinking and praying for your little guy! It is amazing how tough our little ones are especially with everything they have been through in such a short life! Parker sends his love to Iris for Valentine's Day!!!

