The Red Thread

Once our eyes have been opened we can't pretend that
we don't know what to do; for God who weighs our hearts and keeps our souls
knows that we know and holds us responsible to act. Proverbs

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

And We're Off, Slowly!

The morning started off early with Jake picking us up at 3:30am. Arrived at terminal A in KC (as we purchased tickets through United) and they informed us the tickets are actually Continental (United purcahsed them recently)and their counter is still in terminal C. Once we arrived at terminal C we learned they cancelled our flight to Newark, NJ. So they booked us on a Delta flight which is in terminal B.

The bad part is that our orginal flight had us going to Newark and then straight to Beijing. Now we have already been to Salt Lake City and are now sitting in San Fransisco waiting a flight to Japan. From Japan to Beijing hopefully. This mess is also causing us to get to Beijing 9 hours later than originally planned (arrive at midnight). Long day? After all of that - they provided a $12.00 meal ticket!!!! Great deal.

The other item that caused heart ache is we purcahsed a new camera to take on this trip (a nice small camera - old one was rather large). The sales-kid at Best Buy told us to purchase a disk for storing pictures. So we handed us one and we threw it in the bag. So this moring after about 3 pictures of the great adventure the camera tells us the memory is full and to insert memeory card. Wrong size card! Luckily we were able to purchase the micro-SD from a store in the San Fran airport at only twice the cost.

I think we both relaxed and realized we are not getting frustrated today and we will get there eventually. We will hopefully post some good pictures in Beijing tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. I bet you are worn out already! Geeeez!! Looking forward to pictures!!! Love to you both!!!
