The Red Thread

Once our eyes have been opened we can't pretend that
we don't know what to do; for God who weighs our hearts and keeps our souls
knows that we know and holds us responsible to act. Proverbs

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Elliot's First Day of Pre-K

I am very late at getting this posted, but here it is. Elliot's first day of Pre-K. We had NO crying and clinging to my legs like last year. I guess my boy is finally ready for school.

I was sure I had ruined it for good last week when I was knee deep in paper work for Iris and the phone rang. It was Elliot's school. I asked "Is Elliot sick?" her reply was "No, but he is still here!" I looked at the clock and I was 20 minutes late picking him up. Needless to say I felt like a very bad mother the rest of the day. Once we got to school he was in the office showing off his silly banz. I was very relieved when I asked him if he was scared and he said "No, I knew you were coming." Such a sweet little soul. Last year that little slip up would have cost us dearly.


  1. Melissa,
    I know how it feels to forget a kid. Just the other day I went home and 45 minutes later Melinda asked if I had picked up Payton our daughter. She was her usuall easy going self when I got there almost an hour late. Life is crazy with 6 kids. Tell Joel hi for me.

