The Red Thread

Once our eyes have been opened we can't pretend that
we don't know what to do; for God who weighs our hearts and keeps our souls
knows that we know and holds us responsible to act. Proverbs

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

We Are Worn Out!

Today was a big day for the two little ones (and us two big ones).  The day started with Owen going in for a swallow test and then meeting with his doctor.  What happens next?  Well, August 2, he is scheduled for the Big Surgery.  They will open him up and try to repair the esophagus.  He will get stretched one more time before then.  Doctor said to expect a week in the hospital and nothing orally for at least one month.  Owen is going to be so mad!

We are excited and sad at the same time.  If the surgery will solve the problem and will help Owen we are good with it.  But we are sad that he has to go through such a major surgery for the second time in his short life.  Another positive is that the doctor feels Owen is now strong enough to handle the surgery. 

Owen is getting so big and becoming his own little person.  His personality and manorisms are great.  Please pray for Owen's body to heal, that he handles the surgery, he understands we love him and will let him eat as soon as we can, and pray for the doctors.

Now, on to Iris.  Iris went in for a hearing test today, and failed.  She has failed a few hearing test previously but we just thought it was due to her age and lack of interest.  So we finally got around to scheduling a hearing test with a audiologist and ENT.  We are taking her to Children's Mercy tomorrow for further testing.  The doctor today indicated her hearing is below normal and with her vision impairment it is important to get her back up to normal hearing.  Hearing aids?  We hope not but will probably find out tomorrow.

It is hard to think about Iris having to deal with hearing aids and a vision impairment.  It does not seem fair that she would have to deal with a hearing problem after all she has been through.  Kids can be so cruel and we worry about her in school.  Hopefully tomorrow we find out she is ok and hears just fine.  We know she likes to ask a lot of questions and sometimes ignores us but we thought it was just Iris being Iris.

Please pray for Iris and her hearing?  This hit us like a load of bricks today when they started talking about hearing aids.

It seems so overwehlming right now with medical bills piling up and uncertain medical conditions forthe two little ones.  We will continue to pray for God's guidenace and peace as we know God has a plan and we are part of it.


  1. Wow, you guys have a lot going on. I sure hope and pray that Owen's surgery is successful in August.

    And poor Iris. I pray that her hearing improves!

  2. Ahhhh, poor Iris. I am adding her to our prayer list. All this must be so overwhelming. God definitely has a plan even though it's not always easy. But, you are giving them SO much. And, this will all be over one day - hopefully sooner rather than later! I believe that with all my heart for you all! Hang in there!!

  3. Thanks for the updates on your two little ones! I have been checking each day to see how Owen made out a few weeks ago! I have been praying for him! So sorry to hear about Iris' hearing! Parker had failed a few hearing tests and had to have new tubes put in since the old ones fell out. That seems to have done the trick! He passed his post op hearing test this past week. He does have a pocket behind the one ear that the ENT who did his last tube surgery told me about after his tubes were placed. We have to watch that as he grows. Not sure what it will mean for him. I also hope that Owen's big surgery will help heal him! You are so right about it not being fair our little ones have to go through so much at such a young age!
