The Red Thread

Once our eyes have been opened we can't pretend that
we don't know what to do; for God who weighs our hearts and keeps our souls
knows that we know and holds us responsible to act. Proverbs

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Getting Closer

We are anxiously waiting for our LOA.  Just a few months ago we thought we could travel in October and now we are praying to travel this year.  All prayers are welcomed as it is very important that we travel before December 31.  As we get closer the more anxious we are to bring this little person into our family. 

Our finances took a big hit as we recently learned our foundation needed major repairs. This past week we had the work done (to lift our house back up!) and this drained our savings.

So, we started a fundraiser today to try to offset the cost of our travels during the holiday season.  If all plays out as we hope we will be traveling around Christmas.  As you can imagine plane tickets are ridiculously high during this time.  See the fundraiser banner to the right and select a t-shirt.  Please spread the word to anyone you know that may be willing to help and spread the word for adoption.

You can also use this link for the shirts:


  1. I am from RQ. I just wanted to say that I have seen God move incredible mountains to bring our children home. I know he will do the same for you. There were some days (we are actually still short ourselves) where He provided literally hours before we needed it.

    HE IS ABLE! I will be thinking and praying for your family. Oh and your little boy has the sweet little face I have ever seen!

  2. Very cool t-shirts! We'll be buying some!! I'll pass the word on and we're praying for you!
