The Red Thread

Once our eyes have been opened we can't pretend that
we don't know what to do; for God who weighs our hearts and keeps our souls
knows that we know and holds us responsible to act. Proverbs

Friday, February 4, 2011

Here We Go Again

As many of you may have guessed, we have decided to adopt again! I know many of you think I am crazy, maybe I am. I just can't help myself.

So we have officially sent in our letter asking China if we could be allow to adopt another one of their beautiful children. China is celebrating the Chinese New Year so the government offices won't be open for another week. We will have to wait til they get back to see what their answer will be. THEN I promise I will show you the picture.

For now I am asking for prayers. Prayers of protection for this child, prayers for my current children as they prepare to add another sibling to the family. Prayers for the courage to follow Gods will for us and not our own.
We will definitely have a house full of love and laughter, now if we could only figure out how to also get it full of money, things wouldn't be so scary.


  1. So happy for you guys!! I can't wait to see pictures and hear all of the details. Congratulations on your new addition!!! I just wish we were traveling together again!

  2. OMgoodness, I'm so excited for you all and I can't wait to see pics! I will be praying!!! It will all work out - God is the Waymaker!!

  3. What exciting times! I can't wait to hear the details. God is so GOOD. Looking forward to following your journey again.
