The Red Thread

Once our eyes have been opened we can't pretend that
we don't know what to do; for God who weighs our hearts and keeps our souls
knows that we know and holds us responsible to act. Proverbs

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

"Just fill out this medical history mom."

They say you aren't really a mother until you have nursed a sick kid.  I guess I am now officially a mother!

Today after another long night with Iris singing and talking, she woke up a little cranky.  I was feeling no sympathy for her at all.  I thought she just needed to get her body adjusted to the new time.  So I was trying very hard to keep her awake all morning.  Elliot had a play date so I finally let her take a nap around 11.  I went and woke her up at 2 and she was still cranky.  She started coughing and then had a little runny  nose.  I thought she was just getting a cold from lack of sleep so I wasn't to worried about her.  She started to get a fever around 3 so I gave her some Motrin but she still did not act right.  She was not eating (big red flag for Iris) she was just wanting to sleep and be held.  So I held her.  By 4:30 she had very labored breathing and then progressed to wheezing.  So I took her in to see the doctor. 
They gave here several breathing treatments and of course asked a ton of questions about her history.  I of course had to say "I don't know" to every thing.  Makes you feel like a terrible mother.  So they checked her for everything, flu, RSV, strep just to rule out any thing.  Guess what?  Iris has strep!  Great.  They send us to the Children's hospital for chest x-rays and nasal washing. 
Iris throws up in the car on the way to the hospital.  I clean her up, change her clothes and take her into the hospital where she throws up all over herself, the stroller, the floor, and anyone else who gets in her way.  We get our xrays and take a hospital gown and we are outta there.  Once we get home Iris is still looking a little blue and breathing fast.  The doctor calls to tell us the x-ray is clear but just to keep an eye on her color and breathing.  So I will be giving her breathing treatments all night. Hopefully we don't have to make another appearance at Children's Mercy until her appointment for her eyes.  


  1. Oh my! Poor Iris! :( Praying she's on the mend soon!

  2. I sure hope Iris is feeling better! That must have been so scary! Tell Iris that Parker says "hi".

  3. Sorry to hear Iris has been sick. Hope she's feeling better. Praying she will have a good appointment on Monday for her eyes. Tell her hello from Ben!
