The Red Thread

Once our eyes have been opened we can't pretend that
we don't know what to do; for God who weighs our hearts and keeps our souls
knows that we know and holds us responsible to act. Proverbs

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Change is hard

First Day of School 2014

Today was the first day of school for A, E, & I.  All three started at new schools and it was a tough day for mom and dad.  The kids have all gone to a wonderful classical Christian school and it was a very tough decision for them not to go back this year.  It was truly like leaving a family.   But life happens and we move on and make the best of it.

Elliot, Ansley, Big O, Iris
Ansley started 7th grade and it was a tearful departure dropping her off at that giant school.  Ansley has had 10-12 people in her class for seven years (250 students from K-12) and now she attends a school of 7th and 8th grades with 800 students, culture shock!  Mom and dad drove home with tears and lumps in our throats.  We worried all day long hoping no one was being mean to her.  Finally school was out and she had a great first day.  She loves it!  Hopefully this will continue and she will have a great year.

Elliot and Iris are going to school together and both had good first days.

As you can tell they all love not having to wear a uniform.  Mom is not so sure, time will tell.  Elliot is excited that he doesn't need to get a hair cut.  He says he is going to let it grow long.  We will see about that.  I may sneak in while he sleeps and trim it.  All in all it was a good first day.  We would love your prayers for continued success and protection.

1 comment:

  1. OMgoodness - your kids are getting so big and beautiful/handsome!! Hope they are enjoying school so far!!
