The Red Thread

Once our eyes have been opened we can't pretend that
we don't know what to do; for God who weighs our hearts and keeps our souls
knows that we know and holds us responsible to act. Proverbs

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Love getting suprises

This morning when I opened my email there they were! Two pictures of Iris. Thank you Jiaoli. She really looks happy. She is at her foster family home and she is laughing. It feels so good to see her full on laughing. I can practiaclly hear her little giggle. Pictures always cheer me up.


  1. I just wanted to say hello. I saw your post on RQ that you were hoping to travel by May. We are hoping and praying for travel at least by May also. Our daughter is in Wuhan. I am trying to take in every piece of advice I can find about Wuhan, so it was really nice to the post! Your daughter is beautiful. Congratulations! Kim

  2. Thank you for sharing the new pictures with us!! Made my day to see her beautiful smiling face! As I stared at her pictures, and thought of the blessings she will bring to our lives, I wondered how MANY life lessons Iris will teach us!? God is bringing her into our lives for His purpose! wow! Joel & Melissa, God will sustain as I know it's so hard to wait, wait, wait. Just look at God's providence as He as led you to Iris, opened doors, and placed people in your life to work along side with!
    I know you are sacrifcing greatly to bring Iris into your family just as God sacrificed untold to adopt us as His very own! Adoption is the perfect picture of what God has done for each of us inmaking us His children through Christ.
    I'm so proud of you both to go down an unknown path to follow Christ and seek His will. You are honoring God so continue to listen to Him! I love you with all my heart.

  3. Melissa,

    I know you must be on cloud 9 seeing Iris smiling. I bet it just warms your heart. Jiaoli has been such a blessing to both of our families. I'm sure you can't stop staring at these new photos; I can't stop staring at Madeline's either! ;)

  4. Wow...She is beautiful! I remember when she was on the shared list. How could she get even more beautiful. You must be so anxious to hold her.

    Enjoy your photos...
    (chinfor6 from RQ)
